August 21

Paper Airplanes, Sequencing, and Algorithms!

This week, we continued to learn about algorithms and I added sequential order and the engineering design process. Grades 2-5 students worked together to create a paper airplane (not one they are used to making). One partner had to cut and paste the paper airplane algorithm and place the steps in sequential order so that the other partner can build the paper airplaneĀ based on their partner’s algorithm. It was not an easy task! Then we went outside on the playground to participate in the “2016 Paper Airplane Olympics” where students tried to fly their planes the furthest to win. In round two, students had the opportunity to redesign their planes to improve their flight distance and go for the win! We had a pleasant surprise when an actual pilot who was visiting our school, saw us on the playground and joined in on the fun. He helped some of the students redesign their planes, discussed friction, and showed the students the proper way to fly a paper airplane so that it will utilize the wind to gain distance on the competition. Grades K-1 learned sequencing by coding Angry Birds! It was a great week.

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